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Why QWERTY keyboard: Why are the letters on the keyboard in QWERTY order and not ABCD? 99 out of 100 people are unaware..

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Why QWERTY keyboard: Have you ever wondered why the letters on your computer or laptop keyboard are placed in such a random manner? Why do we get a pattern like QWERTY instead of the simple rhythm of A, B, C, and D? If this question has come to your mind, then you are not alone. This question arises in the minds of millions of people who use computers to learn typing. 99 out of 100 people do not know about it. If you also do not know, then there is no need to worry, we are giving you complete information about it.

The roots of the QWERTY design of the keyboard are linked to the invention of the typewriter, which happened in the 19th century. The first successful model of the typewriter was made by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1868. However, initially, its design was simple and the letters were arranged in order from A to Z. But soon a big problem came up. When people typed fast, the keys of the typewriter often collided with each other and the machine got stuck.

To solve this problem, Sholes and his colleagues invented the QWERTY keyboard. The purpose of this design was to create such a setting of the keys that the typing speed may be a little slow, but the keys do not collide with each other. With this idea, the letters were arranged in such a way that the typist did not have any problem when typing. This keyboard was named QWERTY, the first 6 letters in the upper line are Q, W, E, R, T, and Y.

How did the QWERTY keyboard become famous?

Among the early models of typewriters, the most successful was the typewriter of the Remington company, which adopted the QWERTY layout. Since Remington was the leading typewriter manufacturer of that time, the QWERTY layout gradually became the new standard. When the computer keyboard was invented later, this design was adopted because people were already familiar with it.

Although QWERTY is the most popular keyboard design, it was not the only option. The Dvorak keyboard is another design, developed by Dr. August Dvorak in the 1930s. The goal of this keyboard was to increase typing speed and comfort. In the Dvorak keyboard, frequently used letters were arranged in such a way that the movement of fingers was reduced and typing was smooth. But, since QWERTY was already quite popular, the Dvorak keyboard did not gain much popularity.

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